Eating Disorders and Implications for the Fitness Industry

I had the honour of presenting a 90min lecture at Filex 2017 on “Identifying and Managing Clients with Eating Disorders in the Fitness Industry”. One of the participants at the end of the session asked why every trainer was not in the session. Her daughter had signed up for a 12-week body transformation challenge, and […]

Flexible Dieting and Eating Disorders

Recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating involves so much more than just addressing diet. They are such complex issues often involving comorbid conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD and substance abuse. At the centre of any eating disorder is a person who is trying to feel some sense of value. Adherence to […]

What is Muscle Dysmorphia?

Muscle Dysmorphia (MD) is classified as an obsessive-compulsive, body image disturbance disorder that involves excessive exercise as the primary focus with disordered eating as a secondary component.  The compulsion is to achieve high levels of muscularity and leanness. It has also been known as ‘reverse anorexia’ called ‘bigorexia’. Individuals with MD perceive themselves to lack […]

Crossing the Line from Healthy to Unhealthy Eating and Exercise Behaviours

The benefits of physical activity and healthy eating behaviours for physical and mental health are well documented. The Department of Health has published guidelines for recommendations of physical activity levels and dietary requirements for various ages. On average, it is recommended that 18-65 years old’s participate in 2.5- 5 hours of moderate activity per week or 1.25- 2.5 […]